Table of Contents
The Battle of Ideology: Seeking the Strategy for Indoctrinating Pancasila for Those Who Are Anti-Pancasila
DOI : 10.18326/mlt.v7i1.7071
Munajat Munajat
This article has been read 472 times.
Polygamy Mentoring in Indonesia: Al-Qur’an, Hadith and Dominant Discourse Resistance
DOI : 10.18326/mlt.v7i1.7036
Miski Miski, Mila Aulia, Roudlotul Jannah, Ridya Nur Laily
This article has been read 525 times.
The Classical Book of the Abbasid Period as a Reference for Advanced Military Technology: A Thought Genealogy Study
DOI : 10.18326/mlt.v7i1.7048
Agus Pramono
This article has been read 290 times.
M. Gufron
This article has been read 282 times.
Socio-Cultural Transformation of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama Communities in East Java Prismatic Society
DOI : 10.18326/mlt.v7i1.6985
Umiarso El-Rumi
This article has been read 334 times.
This article has been read 313 times.
The Government’s Role in the Implementation of Religious Tolerance Practices in Southeast Asia
DOI : 10.18326/mlt.v7i1.6739
Fiki Khoirul Mala, Muhammad Ikhlas Supardin, Muhammad Aminul Wahid
This article has been read 326 times.