Jamal Al-Banna’s Perspective on The Understanding Reconstruction of Changing Munkar: Decolonization of the Study of Islamic Thought From Textual to Contextual Knowledge
Changing munkar (doing evil) is one of the crucial and important themes to be discussed, especially when it comes to the religion, it will be even more sensitive. The majority of the Muslim community understands that changing munkar by hand is an obligation for the ruler and every individual should not do it as long as there is a ruler. According to Jamal al-Banna, those understanding is to simplify the hadith. This study aims to examine the thoughts of Jamal al-Banna regarding his understanding of change munkar’s hadith. Then how does understanding the hadith change of munkar from Jamal al-Banna's perspective? How is it relevant to the modern era? Those are the research question that will be answered in this study. This research is a literature study with a literature review approach. The results of this study show that there are several points in the results of Jamal al-Banna's understanding of amar makruf nahi munkar. First, amar makruf nahi munkar is a means legalized by Islam to determine individual participation in the affairs of their society. Second, several verses and hadiths assume that the form of evil that must be changed and even mandatory is the injustice of the ruler. Third, Islam views that amar ma’ruf nahi munkar from one side is the right of every citizen, but from the other side it is an obligation for one. Fourth, Islam views that the means given legality for amar ma’ruf nahi munkar are verbal (with good wisdom and advice). However, Islam does not prohibit individuals from exercising their rights, by using their 'hands' when in an emergency and forced situation.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18326/mlt.v7i1.7041
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