Metodologi Penafsiran Kontekstual; Analisis Gagasan dan Prinsip Kunci Penafsiran Kontekstual Abdullah Saeed

M.K. Ridwan


Qur’anic exegesis occupies a central position in the development of the intellectual traditions of Muslims. As a primary source, the Qur’an for centuries have been
explored and understood using a variety of approaches and methods to satisfy every need of the times. The dominance model of textual interpretation in the tradition of interpretation of the Qur’an throughout the history of Islam, has been moving Abdullah Saeed a Professor of Islamic Studies University of Melbourne, to offer an alternative model of “contextual interpretation” as a model approach in interpreting the Qur’an that more sensitive to context. Because textual interpretation models tend to ignore the socio-historical context period of revelation as well as the context of the interpretation of the period. This paper specifically focused to analyze methodological aspects of thought’s Abdullah Saeed in conducting the contextualize interpretation of the Qur’an. In General, Saeed offers four contextual interpretation of operational steps, that is: 1) identify initial considerations by understanding the interpreter subjectivity, language and construct meaning, and the world of the Qur’an (encounter with the world of the text); 2) start the task of interpretation by means of identifying the meaning of the original text and convinced of the authenticity and reliability of the text (critical analysis of texts independently); 3) identify the meaning of the text by exploring each context (meaning for the first recipient); 4) hooking the interpretation of the text with the current context (process of
contextualize, meaning for the present).


Methodology of Interpretation; Textual; Contextual; Socio-Historical Context

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