Moderation in the Method of Qur’an Interpretation

Mubasirun Mubasirun


There are two methods of interpretation of the al-Qur’an, the classical interpretive method and the modern exegetical method. The classical method of interpretation is text-oriented and ignores context. Meanwhile, the modern method of interpretation relies on the strength of context to find definite meanings that can answer contemporary problems. Each of the two methods of interpretation has fanatical supporters favoring one side and managing the other. Existing studies related to the problem of the method of interpreting the Qur’an revolved around three objects, namely the support orientation of one of the methods of interpretation and a comparison between the two methods. The author’s study is to find a middle way whose ending solves the conflict between the two methods. This study finds common ground between the two methods of interpretation which its proponents contend with. The meeting point referred to is to take the middle path position in the various terms of the approach to the interpretation of the verses of the Qur’an, namely the middle path between textual and contextualist, between qath’i and dhanny, between ushul and furu’.


Moderation, Classical Interpretation, Modern Interpretation.

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