Media and Radicalism Tafseer

Muhamad Fahrudin Yusuf, Mohamad Nuryansah


Radicalism is one of the challenges faced by the diversity full Indonesian country. In such conditions, the existence of tasamuh or tolerance is required. Meanwhile, the media through its content is suspected to facilitate and influence the birth of radicalism among its users. Through the interpretation that allegedly leads to the radical understanding, some internet sites try to indoctrinate their audiences. This research was conducted by that basis. This research was focused on Alquran and hadith tafseer contained in eight (8) Articles of “Zaman Akhir” on the site and eight (8) articles of “Jihad fie Sabilillah” on The quantitative content analysis method was used to analyze the data in this research considering its ability to describe the contents of radicalism tafseer and their differences. By using it, several forms of tafseer were found in the articles published, based on categories specified by researcher in coding sheets. Hence, there were no significant differences found in all articles published.


radicalism tafseer;;

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