Hermeneutika al-Qur’an Hasan Hanafi; Merefleksikan Teks pada Realitas Sosial dalam Konteks Kekinian

Muhammad Aji Nugroho


This study intends to find out the hermeneutic of al-Qur'an Hasan Hanafi as a solution to reflect text to the social realities. Through the liberation-interpretation or his emansipatory critical hermeneutic, Hasan Hanafi places al-Qur’an to describe human accordance with the capacity of humanity; related to the relationship among people, their task in the world, their position in history, their role in building social and political systems, as well as in proposing alternatives by using analysis experience method that brings to the text meaning even the reality itself. Hanafi’s liberation-interpretation least through three phases of analysis, namely; first, the historical consciousness which determines the authenticity of the text and the level of certainty; second, eidetic consciousness that explains the meaning of the text and makes it rational; and third, the practical consciousness that uses the meaning as the theoretical basis for action and delivers the revelation to the final purpose of human life. Thus, Hasan Hanafi tries to understand the original meaning in the present context without losing the past. Of course, this understanding is not just dwelling in discourse but actually able to move an action and social change. This kind of hermeneutic becomes the hallmark of Hasan Hanafi Hermeneutics; which reflects a word (text) or event in the past to be able to understand and existentially becomes meaningful in the present context.


Hermeneutics, Critical-Emancipatory, Liberation-Interpretation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18326/mlt.v1i2.187-208


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